My friend's dog has giardia does this mean the other dogs at the dog run have it too? Can I get it?

Can the dog I was dog sitting get it if they were playing together? If I have it can my cats get it?

Dogs that are infected with Giardia shed cysts that can infect other dogs .. Public Health considerations; Out breaks of giardiasis in family groups have been traced to a newly acquired puppy that was shedding infective cysts. All dogs infected should be treated to prevent transmission of the disease to their owners and other animals.

Giardia is usually caused by drinking stagnant water. You see it often in neglected pets. It's a parasite and and is passed through their feces. Don't drink from their water source or handle their droppings and you won't get it. And tell your friend to improve their conditions or be more careful when letting them off leash away from home

Giardia is very contagious and if one dog has it ,it is very likly others in the run does to.Yes you and your cats can catch it if you have been around another pet that has been contaminated.

Giardia is transmitted through direct contact with contaminated water, food, or fecal material from an infected animal.

It is possible.


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