What to do about my jealous dog?

I have a one year old mini dachshund, she has the best personality and we love her to death. We recently got a new 10 mnth old mini dachshund boy and they play with eachother but I've noticed that my one year old has less of a personality. I want to know if she will get over this (its only been 3 days) or if they need to spend more time together. Any answers would be great!

You didn't do a meet and greet!?! Hopefully they will settle in and become friends. However, keep a close watch on the two and how they interact. Any aggression by the "Alpha" dog may be a clue of what the future could hold. Females Dachshunds become very attached to "Their" owners, and a new dog disrupts the security of the "Alpha" dog. You may have to give the Alpha dog some extra attention time and a few treats more than the new dog. If she sees this, she may become settled and accepting of the new dog.

If it was me, I would probably give them a few weeks. If she doesn't get over it, then I would probably keep them separate when they are BOTH around you, I think you meant that she is jealous when they are around you?? I think...You kind of didn't make sense. But if that is the case, then you should probably keep them separate, only if she is growling and being mean to him though, but if she isn't being mean then she if fine!

I hope this helps


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