Can I bath my dog with an infected anal gland that was expressed and has an open sore?

The infected gland was big and the vet broke the skin to let out the infection, just wondering if I can bath her even though there is stuff leaking out?

Yes you can bathe her and it would probably be best to bathe her. Soooooooo Why is your dogs butthole sore? hahahahaha

Yes you can bathe her, sitting in some nice warm water will help that anal gland heal!!

you should ask your vet. Normally when dogs are ill or have problems like this bathing is not advised.

check with your vet but I don't think there would be a problem as long as you rinse her off well and reapply any medication that you may need to put on the sore.

Submerging your dog into warm water will promote drainage and may even alleviate some pain.

If you are reluctant to do so at the very least warm compress the area as much as 5 times a day for 10 minutes X3 days

Poor pooch!

She is lucky to have you worrying over her.

Is she on antibiotics like baytril?

Add: Soaking in warm water only without soap or shampoos is my recommendation.

We routinely do this in hospital after an anal gland has abcessed or been lanced as it does promote healing

ya just get it really good

I am not a vet but i believe you shouldn't because if there is stuff coming out then stuff might get in and you dog may become more infected. But you should probably ask the vet.

um, eww. Sure, go for it.

yeah thats exstreamly safe

I would ask the vet to be sure.

Ask your vet.


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