My dog is a larger adult dog has been having isues with her anal glands, no this isnt a joke....?

I need serious answers, when i express them its greenish like pus and has a metallic smell to it, any idea what could be causing it or what i can do to fix it? I figured i'd exhaust my options before paying my thief of a vet. She gets no table scraps shes on really good food (natural choice fish and potato) and gets filtered water.

It sounds like there is a bit of an infection going on. Nothing to worry about. Her body will take care of it. My advice would be to express her anal glands every 2-3 weeks for a while so there is not a build up of material. Also, If she is a bit overweight this can contribute to anal gland problems. The other thing you can do is bulk up her stool with fiber. Canned pumkin works wonderfully and they love it. Don't get the pie filler, just plain pumpkin. You can find this in any supermarket. Add about 1-2 TBLS to her food. I seen great success with frequent anal glad expressionand the pumkin. Best of luck and I hope this helps

I can't tell you why your dog has infected anal glands. They could be infected with Pseudomonas bacteria. You most likely will not be able to treat them at home unless you happen to have some effective antibiotics around your house somewhere. Sometimes a culture and sensitivity has to be done in order to find the most effective antibiotic. So you might have to go see your "thief of a vet" for some answers. In fact if your vet is so bad, why don't you seee another vet?

The anal glands usually empty out when the poop comes out, but if the poop is too soft, it's not pressing against the glands enough to do the job.

Hand expressing them is usually done if the glands become impacted. If this happens over and over again, you may need to have her looked at. Dogs shouldn't have the glands constantly giving them trouble.

Taking her to an alternate vet in a different town may be lower cost.

they are probably infected. usually any liquid that has a yellowish or greenish tint in an indication of infection. she will need antibiotics to get rid of the infection. I'd also suggest you find another vet if you feel your vet is a thief. You should be on good terms with your vet at all times and calling yours a thief indicates you don't feel that good about him/her.

wao how could you call your vet a thief?

You do realise they pay a lot to go and train to become vets, and drugs are not cheap.?

By your post, you have just proved that you do need a qualified vet to diagnose and treat your dog. You cannot fix it.. you don't have the veterinary knowledge and skills to diagnose and treat your dog. None of us do, this is why we go to the vet and pay for his knowledge and skills.

Pus.. bad smells = infection

Either take her to the vet you do not like, or you take her to another vet.

But don't leave it any longer. Infections spread through into the blood, and I don't need to elaborate on the rest.

who is the thief here? If you take away good health from ur dog by refusing to let her see a vet ,you seem to think is more important to you than ur dog cause whether to take her to a dog you let that decision be based on that you dont allow ur vet to do what he does best curing dogs so who is the THIEF at least ur vet just takes money You take away good health and quality life from ur dog that makes you an even worse thief dont rob ur dog what is most valued to/for her good non smelling poop and a boss that takes proper care of her

hmmm...I really have no idea. Try calling another vet or looking for animal specific websites. It might be the fish, though, my dog can't eat fish because it makes her sick.

I know I wasn't really any help, but I hope your dog gets better.

I think you've to take her to the vet to squeeze her anal glandes. Is she trying to fix it by herself against the floor? Sometimes it is not enough and they need professional help.

My vet told me to give my poodle pure pumpkin not the pie filling. It helps with alan glands. I give her 1 teaspoon with dry dog food and add a little water to mix. Hope this helps.

if it's pus like you say then it's infected and he will need antibiotics to get over it. please take him to the vet.

I think I would pay the thief

Take her to a vet to express her anal glands.


1) Prepare a bath for your dog. The secretions of the anal gland are highly unpleasant to smell, and the contents of the gland can spray out unexpectedly during expression. Expressing the anal glands in a tub allow you to perform this task and immediately control the mess and odor.

2) Locate the anal gland openings. Look at approximately 5 and 7 o'clock around the anus of the dog. They may be impossible or difficult to visualize

3) Feel for the glands with your thumb and forefinger beneath the skin under the anal gland openings. The glands are about the size of a kidney bean. They may be enlarged if the sacs are impacted or infected

4) Press in and squeeze with your finger and thumb in an upward motion. The goal is to get the gland under your fingers on each side, and force the contents to the surface and out the opening. You should use firm pressure, but not so firm that you cause discomfort to the dog. This step can be done with a warm washcloth or paper towel covering the anus to prevent the secretions from spraying.

5) Repeat Step 4 until you no longer notice the greenish or brownish fluid being expressed.

6) Wash the anal area thoroughly. The secretions of the anal glands can be transferred to your furniture, clothing or pet's bedding if it remains on your pet's coat. It is imperative to remove all of the odor from the dog after expressing the glands.

signs may include

*scooting or dragging the butt on the floor

*excessive tail chasing

*excessive biting or licking of the tail or anus

*swollen anus


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