My bestfriends dog has parvo , how do i know if he is going to die ?

She has a blue pit bull , he is four months old and has had parvo for about three maybe four days now. we are giving him pedialyte and chicken broth, he throws up every once inna while && will barely lift his head.

Tell your friend I'm so sorry. In the future all puppies need vaccinations to prevent this from happening.

Most dogs treated at home sadly don't make it. The signs are getting weeker and weeker and bathrooming more and more. When it's very close to not making it the will leak blood out of their bottom.

Just because she's weak though I wouldn't stop hoping sometimes miricles happen and they pull through. Keep giving all meds at the right times as dr. ordered. Never miss a dose. Get lots of fluids in him even if that means with a syringe in the mouth. She needs to drink hourly. Make sure someone is up through the night with her giving fluids every hour take shifts if need be. If you never miss a medicine and keep fluids in hourly sometimes they can pull through.

Good luck.

if this dog truely has been diognosed by a vet and does have parvo then nothing you do at home without meds for the vet with help. yes he will die. you need to get him treatment. if you can afford it (bc it is very expensive) find a shelter that will take him from you and care for him. at least then he will live a full healthy life...even if it isnt with you...

The virus is 50% fatal w/the best care......amateurs dinking around at home KILL 99+/-%!!!!

if you havent took the poor pup to vet you should, most dogs dont survive when they have parvo. tell your friend im sorry

you just have to wait and see.


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